Are you looking for a GPS locator without the need for hardwired installation in your car? Then this compact OBD tracker is the perfect solution for you. Its connection is very easy, you insert the locator into the OBD socket in your vehicle and you are ready to go. Thanks to its small dimensions (52.6 x 29.1 x 26 mm), the locator does not overlap nor interfere with the driver while driving.

The device meets all the basic requirements for satellite vehicle tracking. Logbook management, real-time vehicle location, information on consumption, services and much more.


3 590 Kč

GPS Dozor system

Flat fee for the Czech Republic

179 Kč / month

Flat fee WORLD

289 Kč / month

The unit price of the flat rate depends on the size of the vehicle fleet and the type of service provided. The listed prices do not include VAT.


GPS tracker properties




very frequent

Data send

3 - 5 min.


2 meters



Optional add-ons

  • Temperature sensor (Bluetooth)
  • Beacon ID (Bluetooth)


All on one screen

With GPS Dozor, we can see the movements of all our vans on a single screen and we are able to instantly address current issues such as urgent pickups. Within seconds, we know which truck is closest and dispatch it to that location.

Lenka Němcová,

HR Director, Albi s.r.o.

GPS Dozor system

  • Real-time tracking on map
  • Travel history for all trips
  • Distance traveled
  • Area notifications

Online vehicle tracking, log book, fuel consumption tracking, nonstandard event alerts. And much more.

Elektronická kniha jízd

The tracker is suitable for different types of vehicles

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