GPS lokátor Premium

GPS Dozor Premium

Perfect solution for business vehicle monitoring and fleet tracking. Suitable for cars, vans or trucks. Easy to use monitoring platform with reliable log book. High-tech and precise GPS tracking unit ready for add-on such as trip purpose differentiation or driver identification.

GPS Dozor Premium

3 590 Kč

GPS Dozor system

Flat fee for the Czech Republic

179 Kč / month

Flat fee WORLD

289 Kč / month

The unit price of the flat rate depends on the size of the vehicle fleet and the type of service provided. The listed prices do not include VAT.


GPS tracker properties


2 000 positions


very frequent

Data send

3 - 5 min.


2 meters



Optional add-ons

  • Trip purpose differentiation (FREE)
  • Driver ID (Dallas, RFID)
  • Driving style tracking (indicative)

Installing in the vehicle

Our GPS technology will be professionally installed in your vehicles by our partner services. We can also arrange installation directly at your premises.


Where is the nearest partner service?Fill in your location and click Search.


GPS Dozor system

  • Fuel consumption and fueling control
  • Log book calendar
  • Mileage control
  • Service costs overview

Online vehicle tracking, log book, fuel consumption tracking, nonstandard event alerts. And much more.

Elektronická kniha jízd

The tracker is suitable for different types of vehicles

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Want to test our system for free?

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Ebook zdarma

Opouštíte nás, aniž byste si přečetli 10 tipů, jak ušetřit na správě vozového parku?

Zanechte nám svůj e-mail a my vám zašleme e-book na pozdější čtení.